Note: projects marked with a skull "☠" are not actively maintained.
- howto
- Markdown recipes for:
- Cooking.
- Repairing a car.
- Using the terminal.
- Whatever is not trivial and I don't want to forget.
3D Printing
- 3dprint-replacements
- 3D-printed spare pieces.
- STL and OpenScad models.
- Guaranteed results. I designed, printed and used the pieces.
- Tutorials included!
- Do you want to fix your toilet?
- 3dprint-lib_pocs
- 3D-printed pieces from proof of concepts, libraries and ideas.
- STL and OpenScad models.
- Libraries and tutorials (origami, litophane...).
- raspi-smh_playerstation
- My dreamed music manager.
- Download music from Youtube.
- Play, search songs and manage playlists.
- Web User Interface.
- Stream on FM radio with a Raspberry Pi.
- Dockerized!
- django-smh_redirections ☠
- Django app to handle HTTP redirections.
- django-smh_jwt ☠
- Django app to manage (issue, decode, etc) JSON Web Tokens.
- django-smh_gallery ☠
- A simple photo gallery app for the Django web framework.
Internet Of Things
- smh_nodemcu ☠
- A development enviroment to get started easily with NodeMcu development board (ESP8266 chip).
- Hands on tutorials
- arduino-smh_7sd" ☠
- An arduino library for basic text writting on a seven segment display.
- arduino-smh_song ☠
- An arduino library based on the tone library for playing monophonic songs.